<a href=”http://www.crossindex.jp/” target=”_blank”>翻訳・通訳・海外調査・コンサルティングのクロスインデックス</a>
リンクの見え方 翻訳・通訳・海外調査・コンサルティングのクロスインデックス
A-E | F-J | K-N | O-S | T-Z | あ-ん
コンテンツ | 略語 |
Technology Without Any Interested Name | TWAIN |
Tele Network Protocol | TELNET |
Telecommunications IndustryAssociation/Electronic Industries Association | TIA/EIA |
Terminal Adaptor | TA |
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | IEEE |
the World Wide Web Consortium | W3C |
Thin Film Transistor | TFT |
Time Division Dupulication | TDD |
Time Division Multiple Access | TDMA |
Time Sharing System | TSS |
Total Access Communications System | TACS |
Translation Memory | TM |
Transmision Control Protocol | TCP |
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol | TCP/IP |
Uninterruptible Power Supply | UPS |
Universal Resource Identifiers | URI |
Universal Resource Locator | URL |
Universal Serial Bus | USB |
Unshielded Twisted Pair | UTP |
User Identity Module | UIM |
Variable Bit Rate | VBR |
Video Random Access Memory | VRAM |
Virtual Private Network | VPN |
Virtual Reality Modeling Language | VRML |
What You See Is What You Get | WYSIWYG |
Wide Area Network | WAN |
Wideband-CDMA | W-CDMA |
Wi-Fi Protected Access | WPA |
Windows Address Book | WAB |
Windows Audio | WAV |
Wired Equivalent Privacy | WEP |
Wireless Access Protocol | WAP |
Wireless Markup Language | WML |
World Wide Web | WWW |
ガバレッジ国 | 141 ヶ国 |
エキスパート国籍 | 138 ヶ国 |
対応言語 | 340 言語 |
エキスパート | 14,369 名 |
海外提携企業 | 421 社 |